
Photographs by Bruna Stude

September 14 -October 5 2013

Exhibit returns home from this Summer show at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center  


v i e w   e x h i b i t   @  M A C C

"In a data-heavy society, being defined by the numbers make intangibles tangible. The ocean would be 71 percent [of the Earth's surface]. By examining the intricacy and interdependency of this 71 percent of the world we live in, a sense of the momentary and of timelessness becomes more obvious."




T H E   E N D   O F   T H E    L I N E
Filmmaker Rupert Murray traverses the world exposing the devastating effects that overfishing with modern technology is having on fish stocks and exploring the real solutions to solve the crisis.
Filmed across the world – featuring top scientists, indigenous fishermen and fisheries enforcement officials, The End of the Line is a wake-up call to the world.

Everyone who cares about the ocean should see this film!